
Just a few hours ago, along with new clothes, were the new Journalists! Congratulations to everyone here, and of course, me!!!

Thank you for all your support, and help! I am loving posting and creating this blog, as blogging is an amazing experience, and I absolutely love it!

I would like to thank Theufo, for helping me out with this blog, iAmTheUnkown, for creating this amazing header; and Pain, for being an inspiration to me. Sadly, Pain left Chobots.

Lisa09 and David09
Perfectlexie and Flapiefeet
Congratulations everyone, keep up the hard work! If you didn't get it this month, there's always next month!

Also, Congratulations to Vasa12345, for earning Agency!
Thanks for reading!
Hey guys its me UFO and I am here with a few of my newest videos.
I'm guessing most of you know the song hall of fame right?
Well I have made a cmv of it!
The song is about how you should follow your dreams and how in the end they will come true! 

So here it is!

I have also made another cmv of feel this moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera I hope you enjoy it! Here it is!
And last but defiantly not least is my own epic movie!
Everyone loves the epic movies so I made my own which I hope you all enjoy!

I hope you guys enjoy these videos and I can assure you there will be more to come in the near future also if you have any good ideas comment them in this post and the best ideas will receive prizes from yours truly and will be in the credits of the next epic movie and might even be in it! Who knows! ;)

Thanks for reading!

Hey there,

Yesterday was an extremely exciting day, for not only me, but for Master720 and Newy82!  On the Chobots Official FaceBook page, there was a contest, which over twenty people competed in! As you may already know, there are only three winners on the 'Like' milestone competitions! I came first, Master720 came second, and last but not least, Newy82 came third!

Since I won, I received all three items, along with seven days of Citizenship, and 7000 bugs! 

As Master720 came second, he got a choice of two items out of the three, to keep! He also got seven days of Citizenship, and 7000 bugs. Master 720 chose the Crown, and the Mummy Suit!

Newy82 ended up being third! Since he was third, he got to choose one item of the three. He chose the Mummy Suit! Also, he got seven days of Citizenship, and of course, 7000 bugs!

We all had fun, and the winners have all received their prizes! Congratulations, everyone! If you didn't win this time, then don't give up!!!

Thanks for reading!
Hey there!

Today, the Chobots Team decided to have the Journalists programme! You have until the 12th of April to submit your blog in the comments, http://blog.chobots.net/! Good luck everyone!

I have entered the programme and I am hoping to have a chance against some of the amazing blogs out there! Have fun everyone!

Remember: Posting at least two times a week is a requirement; so keep those posts coming!

Thanks for reading!
Hey guys,

Have you attended a game yet, this weekend? Well you should! Today, we had great fun playing Pictionary in the Agents Underground! I have one picture, here it is!
Did you enjoy it? I sure did!

Thanks for reading!
Hey there,

Today, me and some of the Agents, did some Congo Lines! They were quite long, and we had some great fun!

Here are some pictures:

Thanks for reading!
Hi there!

Today the winners of the Baking Contest have been announced on the Official
Chobots Blog! Everyone did a fantastic job, and I would like to congratulate the

Here are their entry's!





Well done! I hope you enjoy your prizes! 2 weeks of Citizenship, 6000 Bugs and a Chef suit!

Thanks for reading!
Hi there!

Since it is finally April, new Citizenship items have been added! In my opinion, they look fantastic! I particularly like the 6 month Citizenship option, since the playercard is so colourful!

Which one is your favourite?

Here they are!
Thanks for reading!

Hey guys!

Its me Theufo a new author on Smileys awesome Chobots blog!
I will be keeping you up to date with all the latest news, tips and updates and I will inform you of any contests on Chobots. 
I may also hold a few special contests on this blog so keep your eyes peeled!

I will also share videos with you all here before anywhere else!

I hope to see you all on Chobots and I hope I am great help on this blog!

See you all around! :)


Hello again!

Recently, a Palm Tree contest has started! Be sure to enter and give it a go! Remember, if you don't win, you'll always have another try. Never give up!

Don't forget to report any cheaters and take a picture! Sending Support an email including a picture will prove someone has broken the rules! Send an email to [email protected].

Good luck, and most of all, have fun!


    Smiley is a kind, fun, active and playful Chobot. He loves to help anyone he can and likes keeping Chobots safe from the Nichos out there!


    Skater is a very joyful, kind and random Chobot. He has played Chobots since 2009 and he has enjoyed it ever since. He likes to make people laugh and his favourite animal is a sloth!


    Theufo is a fun, stylish and Agent deserving Chobot. He has been on the Agent Poll many times, and hopefully next time, he will come first!


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

Chobots HQ